The idea behind the collection is to be inspired by gothic, mixed with minimalism, by darkness, by a world made of aggression but also made of passion. These are some of the many features that identify a woman but that she does not always show because of fear, shame or because of the stereotypes that have been given to her by the society, to which she wants to conform in order not to be judged. This collection wants to give courage to all the women: courage to express themselves, their nature, their passion, and their deepest desires. We can describe this collection with two words: Gothic Minimalism. The look can be achieved with clean, straight lines, monochrome black, simple geometric symbols, all falling under the realm of minimalism. But the look also implies mystery, supernaturalism, and a fascination with death, all reminiscent of the Gothic.

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Sofia Bruscantini


I’m Sofia Bruscantini, I’m 22 and I’m from Macerata, Marche. I moved to Milan three years ago to study fashion styling and communication at NABA. I’ve always been fascinated by the fashion world, by its glamour, its exclusivity, so I decided to take this amazing, hard path. I’ve always loved to express myself and my style, not for the others, but for my own pleasure and satisfaction. But then, growing up, I realized that i could made a career out of it, so that’s why I decided to chose styling. I want everyone to see what I’m capable of, what I really love and passionate about.