We are all responsible for our lives and the health of our planet. Maturity is the art of owning our actions, being sensitive and considerate towards others and having the ability to change and adapt to circumstances.
A chrysalis is the life state of caterpillars undergoing transformation between immature and mature stages where a butterfly emerges.
This collection is made to show this transition.
It is showing that the fashion ecosystem is in need of finding a new way to preserve beauty in the world.

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We are all responsible for our lives and the health of our planet.
Maturity is the art of being responsible for your actions, being sensitive and considerate
towards others and having the ability to change and adapt to circumstances.
A chrysalis is the life state of butterflies undergoing transformation between immature
and mature stages.
The collection is made to show this transition.
It is showing that the fashion ecosystem is in need of finding a new way to preserve
beauty in the world

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Elise Nzuzi

Hi, my name is Elise Nzuzi
I was born in Republic Democratic of Congo.
but I came to Italy when I was 5 years old and spent my life between Europe and Africa, embracing both cultures.
I am 24 years old and I live in Milan, now my city, I work and study but I am lucky because when you love what you do you don't work a single day.

We are all fashionistas in the family. I have an aunt who is a designer and a mother who is extravagant style,” Congo's sapeurs pass”, loves to dare
with colours and keep up with the times. After studying at Naba, fashion become my breath of fresh air and I finally found my place in this surreal world.
I only discovered my passion for fashion in my first year at university, as I had done other
studies. It was difficult at first, but the most beautiful and courageous decision of my life.
Now I can say that fashion is vast and takes your mind to infinity.